vineri, 6 august 2010

About us humans

I'm sure you read a lot of love stories and watched a lot of films about love. It is, after all, one of the most passionately debated, depicted and talked about subjects in history. Ironically, it was the reason for a lot of pain, suffering, violence, and even wars. Humans have always misunderstood love and have caused, in direct consequence, a lot of misery on its behalf. We have always believed that love is a prize, and … any prize, it has to be won or taken. Our egos made us think that love is something we deserve, take for granted and even demand. We have used love to exploit, manipulate and hurt each other. That is the sad reality. Love has become a vicious tool in the hand of those who don't even understand it. It is also sad that most of us don't even understand its meaning. In a sense, it can be said that we are like newborn children, given a precious gift by our maker but, being young and inexperienced, we are unable to appreciate it. We waste love, pervert it and hurt each other in the process. All of these things happen because of our very nature. All men are not equal…People can choose to evolve, or can choose to live a life of pleasurable ignorance. The human spirit can exist on many levels, all of which occupy the same world. Some spirits need a lifetime to understand their purpose, some need many lifetimes, and some may never evolve, haunted by their insecurities and dominated by their chaotic and egoistic nature. Fear is mankind's biggest plague and courage is our most precious resource. Again, an irony can be found. Both of those characteristics can be born out of egoism. The human ego is a paradox in itself. We cannot exist as separate individuals without an ego, and at the same time, it is our biggest enemy. So, were does love fit into all this? Love is perhaps the only expression of selflessness. Love is surrendering  to an emotion and letting  the voice of god resonate inside of you. Love is understanding, even at a subconscious level, that  the notion of "me" is just an illusion and that time is artificial. Love is living in the moment and giving the most you are able to while only taking what you need. This is how nature works and this is what was intended for all living things. Nature is selfless and balanced. Nature is all individuals and al individuals are nature. The whole has no sense without it's parts and any part has no sense without the whole. Quantum physics and fractal geometry have proven  this reality without a shadow of a doubt. Ancient mysticism and religion have known this for thousands of years (Zen Buddhism, Kabbalah  and Taoism ) So, why is it so hard for us to accept it? Is it because we think it will render us useless and insignificant? Is it because it means that our destiny has parts we can't control? Is it because we refuse to think that we are not in charge, as separate individuals? Society has taught us from am young age that:

- life is hard

-we must work to achieve titles

-we must work to earn lots of money

-we must improve our social status and become "successful"

-we must be "better" then others

-we must strive to distinguish ourselves

-we must become educated and demand respect


I ask you.....What parent doesn't  want all those things to come true for their child? What parent doesn't feel a sense of pride when his son or daughter becomes what society considers "successful" . What parent doesn't  brag to others about their son or daughter getting admitted in to the best collage? They all do. Why? Because of their giant egos. They are just saying: "My child is better than yours" or "I've been a better parent than you". Far to less are parents asking their children : "Are you happy?" or "Are you sure that this is what you are passionate about?" or "Why have you stopped singing?" or "Why have you stopped drawing like u used to?" They are all giant idiots. Most push their children to achieve things they don't even want or need, just to satisfy their ego. This is a pathological sickness.  This is why people are mediocre and unhappy. They fill their lives whit activities, forgetting to even ask themselves :" Is this what I should be doing?" Happy are those who are patient enough, strong enough and wise enough to act in their true purpose.  Your purpose may be to paint, act, dance, draw, write and do allot of other creative things that inspire and bring joy to others. Instead of embracing this role, people become lawyers and engineers and economists, because that's what society considers a true achievement.  Let me tell you right now, Bob Dylan has accomplished more with a single song, and Renoir has accomplished more with a single painting than most lawyers or economists achieve in a lifetime. Their spirits were free and their creation was pure. The work they did in a few hours or days, has the power to inspire millions of people. Bob Dylan wrote "Blowing in the Wind" in 10 minutes....So, why don't we have the courage to be what we need to be anymore? Why don't  we have the courage to love what we need to love anymore? Is it because society may consider it wrong? Is it because mommy or daddy don't approve or because people will talk?  All this peer pressure is ridiculous. I want my children to be happy. I want my children to dance and to draw and to dream.  I want them to experience the universe in all its limitless glory, so that when they grow up, they will know what it means to be free. Only then can they be what god intended them to be, and not what society or I may desire.  


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