vineri, 21 decembrie 2012


I have the Dark Lord Saturn and his somber ally Pluto fighting the radiant Lion of Seven Hearts within my soul. Wise Mercury sits calmly as the Buddha, blocking the Moon as it shines the silver Light of Yahweh and his warrior Archangel Michael, who wields his terrible sword of flames within my eyes. I am the Darkness, the Snake and the Light, forever dancing in mysterious Trinity, thriving in the face of chaos and cursing order alike.  I am the middle, contemplating beginning and end, up and down, good and evil, cold and warmth. I am Man, I am World and I am Universe. I am all things and nothing at all, as my nature lies hidden in the hearts of all Men and above my Essence is the Word itself. Word comes from a Throne of Light and gives rise to all Strengths and Principles.  He is ever so mighty and pure that my ears won't hear Him spoken and my eyes dare not see Him written. Pious Purity flies around this ultimate Truth, separating Him from my unworthy presence. The Seraphim are both strong and humble, chanting as They dance in endless joy before the Throne. From this Perfection descends all spirit, both high and low, both seen and unseen. Time comes and goes, rises and falls as all things are constructed from this Crown of Will that precedes all Wisdom, Strength and Beauty.
 I am one but I am all and my Strength comes from breathing, feeling and knowing, all in Unity and all at once. I am my own Nemesis and my own Salvation, because good and evil spring from the divine Neutrality gifted to me each day. I am a black Warden holding an executioner's sword of steel and I am an Archangel swinging a blade of furious flame, fighting myself with subtle conclusion. I have fallen from my Essence of no color, taste, smell, sound and texture, to know great passion and sin. I have felt my Essence being drained and stolen by emotion, taught, food and lust. But I also found freedom both inside and out. I have found Grammar, Rhetoric and Logic. Further, I have found the Number, the Shape, the Sound and the Lights of Heaven. I have found freedom in expression and glory in mortality. Such wonderful illusions are all these things that are invented by mortal Mind! Such freedom and joy they all bring!
I have sent my Ether away from its first Cavity, ever lower, harder and darker to the abyss of Man, only to lift it once again with renewed purity, on the Ladder of Seven Steps, spiraling towards the Stars. Now, as Two become One, my eyes become dark and my Darkness fills with Light. What my eyes could never see, my soul now feels and my spirit welcomes as glorious Perfection. I see wise alchemists, pious saints, golden pharaohs and beloved heroes blessing my vision and calling me home. I am everything that ever was, is and will ever be…The countless Stars behold my spirit, the Sun keeps my soul and the Body is my home. Blessed are all the moments of such an existence and blessed are all those who in Earth, Water, Air and Fire dwell, keeping Truth and Balance. What is Man if not a Mirror into which the Heavens stare?

vineri, 2 noiembrie 2012


    I think a comparison can be made between the purest piece of jade and an enlightened being. Many ancient cultures valued jade and in some cases, it was more important than gold. I believe the ancients understood the essence of the human soul and made jade into a symbol, representing their highest aspirations of purity, beauty and strength.
    I said before that I consider courage to be a sort of "prima materia" of a fully expressed human being. It is the quintessential tool for expressing our true self. Without it we are unable to overcome fear and therefore we become weak and unbalanced. Now I want to go a bit further and explain what I believe makes us who we are. An enlightened human being is strong. With true knowledge comes diligence and colossal strength. This strength comes from our courage and conviction. It comes from understanding ourselves and knowing the true power of choice. After all, it is choice that makes us who we are. All of us make hundreds of choices every day but few of us understand what that represents. Too few people make true choices, based on true understanding and conviction. That is why I would like to divide choices into two categories: weak choices and strong choices. Weaker persons make mostly weak choices while stronger people make some strong choices. Wise people make only strong choices because they fully understand the meaning and impact of their decisions.
    So what makes a human being weak? Is it the environment or perhaps a genetic trait? Is it because he or she is truly helpless? NO. That is a great pile of HORSE SHIT. Individuals are weak by choice. Indeed, weakness itself is just another basic choice. Weak people are usually ignorant, which makes them fearful. As many of you know, in an age of free flowing information, ignorance is a choice for most of us. When you are ignorant of your body, mind or spirit you are weak. You don't make any strong choices and you are easy to manipulate. You bend to the slightest wind, following directions at every turn and you break at the first storm. As the saying goes: "If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything". Only a small percentage of people are capable of making strong choices while the others fall prey to situations and environments they don't fully understand. This may be a direct or indirect phenomenon. I believe that making weak choices is a natural part of our development, granting us valuable experience and determining how fast we achieve our true potential.
    So, what should a strong, enlightened observer do? Should he intervene promptly and inform the less knowledgeable individual of his weak choices? Is it his duty to step up and correct the behavior of others even against their will, if need be? Absolutely not. This is the most common mistake that well intentioned but inexperienced individuals make. It is also a common mistake that parents make. It is caused by frustration, which has its roots in fear. This is important to understand. Just like children, all human beings grow and expand their consciousness, following a number of crucial steps. These steps cannot be skipped, as each and every one of them is essential in the development of the enlightened being. Some people are naturally able to stride across these stages of development while others may never be able to fully rise. It is the duty of the strong to guide the weak and offer support while climbing, not to push them forcefully.
    The strong willed and wise have the moral authority to offer guidance. This authority is not self proclaimed and is granted by those they would lead. It becomes their duty to inspire others with their conduct, showing impeccable consistence and everlasting fidelity to their principles. They are like unshakable pillars, attracting respect and the hunger for knowledge. They must assume this responsibility willingly and happily, forever bound to continue their work for the benefit of all mankind. They must work in the spiritual realm, ever silent and humble, spreading waves of compassion to those around them.
    How do we become strong? How do we get to the point where we say: "I wish to know more and transcend my physical boundaries?" There are no magic formulas or universal answers. I guess that everyone must arrive at that essential point on their own terms and in their own time. Once they do, they will need guidance and seek the masters on their own. They will need no pushing because then, standing on that threshold, they made their most important strong choice. From there on, there is no turning back. Fear will slowly disappear and with it the illusion of anger, hate and envy will also be undone. After a while they will learn to read the signs around them, using both intuition and reason. They will learn what fidelity, courage and virtue mean and they will become like the strongest oak, reaching high into the skies but also equally far into the ground.
    What is the essence of that knowledge? What is the grand revelation. It is so simple and elegant that any one of us will smile and agree, but few will truly understand. To truly understand, you must set your roots deep in the unseen world and become like the oak. You must feel with your soul before you think with your mind and learn to see all things in a new light. You must brush away the hologram of time and space to see what lies beyond. You will see that matter does not determine us but, beautifully enough, we determine matter. Intent came before there was even an atom in the universe. You will see it inside you and inside all the things around you, no matter how small or large. At that moment, you will know God.
    Pause for a while and ask yourself these questions: Where do I belong? Why do we humans create these structures that promote gross inequality and competition instead of cooperation and equity? Is it because some of us are superior and better suited for decision making? Do any of us have the right to dictate to another human being what they should do with their life? Do we need to manipulate and deceive each other in order to gain meaningless so called"advantages". Is privilege a commodity to be traded and regulated, like silver and gold? Imagine a world where none of those things occupied our minds and wasted our time. Is this world even possible? The answer is YES. It is possible.
    Before we can achieve that, we must first know ourselves and love ourselves truly. Only then can we understand and love other human beings. Only by recognizing our divine nature and the limitless potential that resides in each and every one of us can we open our eyes and see the world and everyone in it as a whole. All life is connected and all living things are sacred. This is a fundamental truth that mankind seems to have forgotten over the past millennia. Never in our history have we been more disconnected from our world and from our own spiri-tuality. We have fallen so deep into the abyss of materialism that it has become hard to imagine that we were ever anything else. We are so much more than flesh and blood. Our bodies are just the vessels that carry our consciousness in this physical world. This is something the ancients seemed to understand. I will argue with anyone who tells me that mankind has evolved over the past five thousand years. We have done little to further our collective perception of balance, freedom and happiness. This fact is reflected in the current state of the world. Right now, our consciousness is limited and our perception of the world is impaired. Just like the veils of Isis that hid the divine essence of the goddess, so we have countless veils before our eyes, separating us from the truth. We must become strong enough to lift those veils, courageous enough to challenge our perception of reality and wise enough to understand what lies beyond. It is a journey that we can take separately as individuals or collectively as a society. In the end, when the truth is finally before us and all material burdens are unloaded, there will be only love. Indeed, love is the only force that consciousness needs to achieve creation. Because we are all acts of creation, we are also all products of love.
    Fear is the biggest veil that blinds you from this truth. It is the root of all negative emotions you perceive and unless you learn to control it and eliminate it from all aspects of your life, you will never be truly enlightened. Fear is in your self image, fear is in your hate of others and your false sense of superiority. Fear is in disgust, anger and envy. As long as you are afraid, you will never be free. Those who would lead you and who attempt to manipulate and control you know this all too well. Fear is the single greatest instrument of manipulation in history.
    Understand fear, love and the relationship between them and you will hold the key to your higher self. Understand that light and shadow are both parts of the world and you will achieve true balance. Understand that no shadow may exist without light and that light comes from within you, if you so choose. That is the ultimate strong choice you can make. Expand your consciousness and tap in to the energy of creation that binds us all. Then, as you learn to see behind the thin curtains of reality, you will begin to change the world.
    As for me, I'm setting my roots deep, like the oak. I will be myself, smiling in the face of every storm. If ever you are in need of shelter, come and sit beside me and you will never feel alone. I will put a piece of jade into your palm and tell you: "Be as strong as steel and as beautiful as an emerald."

marți, 2 octombrie 2012

The bull, the man, the eagle and the lion

I stood there speechless and I watched them fight.  I had never seen such an apparently uneven match-up and I was both terrified and intrigued. There was nothing I could do to intervene so I accepted the role of the spectator.  To my left stood a man dressed in rags. He was dirty and his hands were all battered, probably by long years of hard work. His hair was long and entangled. In his left hand he held an old rusty machete that seemed blunt and well past its usefulness. He seemed to place no value on his physical appearance or on how others perceived him. Perhaps he did not have the luxury of fine clothes or quality gear but that did not excuse his general appearance, I taught. There was however a strange glow in his eyes and his entire being seemed to burn with the rage of a thousand suns. 
His opponent was the complete opposite. He was well groomed and he wore a complicated black armor the likes of which I had never seen before. His face and arms were covered in battle scars and tattoos the meaning of which I did not know. In his right hand he held a long curved sword. It was a soldier's weapon and although it had seen its share of combat it was well maintained. He was as cold and still as a mountain of ice. There was no expression on his face and his eyes were dark and empty. It was as if he was not actually there and his very soul was stripped away by the unrelenting carnage his eyes had witnessed and the pain and death his hands had surely delivered. Only an eternity of darkness could have forged a man into this pure embodiment of terror.  As I looked upon him a sinister and cold fear overwhelmed me, as if I had seen the devil himself.
The fight seemed pointless. The ragged man stood no chance but his courage in the face of certain death was strangely inspiring. I found myself hoping for a miracle. It's funny how hope, no matter how dim, makes some things worthwhile. As disturbing as it may seem, If there was even a infinitely small chance that he would walk away from this fight, then that made witnessing his struggle a worthwhile experience. At least, that is how I justified my presence there. 
The fight started quickly and unexpectedly. The ragged man launched himself at the dark warrior swinging his machete. Barely moving from his spot, the solider blocked the attack and countered with lightning fast punch to the chest. The ragged man fell to his knees gasping for air.  Strangely, the solider did nothing. He just stood there looking at his opponent, fully realizing he could end this if he so pleased. It was his choice not to. Perhaps he somehow felt that this is not how the fight should end. I did not know if he was torturing that poor soul or if he was granting him the chance to die on his feet, instead of on his knees. This is where it all became very interesting. Was there honor and decency behind that empty cold gaze after all, or was this just a cruel form of amusement for the dark warrior?  It was impossible to tell, as he revealed nothing. Perhaps it was just habit or a discipline of steel that drove him to give his opponent a warrior's death. But why? Why bother with the ragged man, who seemed so utterly insignificant? Why offer him a fighting chance when undoubtedly, others did not receive such consideration? Could that dark gaze pierce into the souls of the opponents and judge each one, passing verdict and sentence as some sort of sinister judge? All these questions rose in my mind while the ragged man lay on his knees.
There were only a few moments of stillness and silence. He got up slowly and tightened his grip on the rusty weapon.  He was surprised that he was still alive and was no doubt wondering, as I did, why his opponent had spared him. He then understood that he had a long and agonizing fight ahead of him, and that he would not be killed before he gave all that he had. It was his final burden and he seemed ready to carry it with dignity. He would keep himself until the bitter end. The fight continued and the ragged man kept attacking and failing to strike his target. Each time he fell he was allowed to rise to his feet and each time he seemed to become faster and stronger. It was as if all his attempts and failures had made him tougher and more determined instead of weak and desperate. I had never seen such a thing. Instead of slowly extinguishing, the fire within became ever stronger, until I could see a raging inferno behind his eyes. I could tell that the dark warrior was pleased, even though he remained silent. The events seemed to be going according to his plans, and he showed no signs of distress or fear.  I found myself wondering what the outcome of this sinister spectacle would be.
As the fight progressed, both combatants became wounded. The dark warrior was less affected, as his far superior skills served him well.  Then, something unexpected happened. He kicked the ragged man to the ground and, in the seconds of pause, he removed his chest armor. As his opponent rose, the dark warrior threw his sword to the ground. "Pick it up" he said, in a commanding voice that echoed in my head like a dark incantation. Puzzled, the ragged man slowly moved towards the weapon and picked it up with his right hand.  I did not understand what was happening, because now the warrior was unarmed and lacking his armor. Was this what he intended all along? Did he choose this fight to be his final one or was he so arrogant that even so, he believed he held the advantage? 
The fight continued, and the ragged man attacked ferociously using both weapons. Even so, he did not manage to fatally wound the dark warrior, whose agility allowed him to evade almost all the blows and counter with punches and kicks. After a while, the ragged man became exhausted from swinging those heavy weapons in such a chaotic manor. He stopped attacking for a few moments to catch his breath and think. He was hurt and his strength was failing him. Only now did I understand that this was a battle of the fire more than it was one of steel and blood. It was his very soul that the dark warrior was after. He felt humiliation, fear and desperation slowly creeping their way into his mind, clouding his judgment. He did not understand why that happened and he looked with disgust at the weapons in his hands. He saw all the wounds and the blood and realized he was fighting a mortal man and knew that no man is invincible. Looking at the many scars that covered the warrior's limbs and face he understood that wounds alone would not win the fight. The dark warrior just stood there as silent and still as he was in the beginning. The pain didn't seem to bother him and blood was surely an all too familiar sight to his eyes.
The fight was now in its final stage. The ragged man dropped the heavy and ineffective machete and took a deep breath. His eyes were losing their glow and his pace was slow and unsure. He started swinging and shouting, taking longer and longer each time to recover and strike again. He finally stopped and fell to his knees, gasping for air.  He had finally succumbed to his own weakness. The warrior looked at him for a while, waiting for him to get up. He didn't get up, and it was clear that the fight was over. The victor picked up the machete with his left hand and slowly moved behind the kneeling man. I expected the final strike to follow shortly, but it never did.  The warrior smiled and spoke with a changed voice: "It was hope that betrayed you. You see, in the end it was not your body, soul or spirit that succumbed. It was your mind". After these words, he turned away and left, taking only the old machete as his prize and leaving his sword and armor behind. The ragged man remained there on his knees, with the words of the mysterious warrior echoing in his head.
I do not know what became of the ragged man or the warrior. However, I later heard of a strange person living in the wild and roaming the countryside, looking for something. No one knows who he is or where his purpose lies, but every time I hear tales of him I think of the fight I witnessed that day.

duminică, 8 aprilie 2012

The value of time (a lucid dream)

        I had a lucid dream. It was about an architect who had a good life, a bright mind and a heart that could conquer the entire world with its passion. Being a creative person, he enjoyed many things like painting, writing and even building things with his hands. He was happiest when working on one of his projects and as soon as he finished it or at least solved the major problems, he moved on to the next one, and then to the next one. You see, he got bored easily and as soon as an activity was no longer a challenge, he saw no reason to keep at it and moved on.
        He worked on allot of interesting projects and soon he put together a business of his own. At first it was difficult but after a while things started to fall into place and he got more and more commissions. He was an excellent professional and a charismatic leader who treated each of his clients with respect and put a lot of effort into his designs. His work did not go unnoticed and as time passed he became a known and appreciated architect. His business grew steadily as he gained notoriety and the acknowledgement of his peers. By now he was happily married and was starting a family. His wife was a wonderful and supporting person and his new born son was a joy to behold. He spent every minute he could with his family and every other minute working on his projects, which were…more and more ambitious. He had a couple of nice cars, a great house and the perfect family. One might say….he had it all. After all, what more can a man ask for in life.
        As the years passed, you could find his projects presented in many magazines and on the internet. He even published books and articles about his work.  He was now a famous architect and clients from all over the world rushed to him with wonderful commissions. He now had the luxury of choosing his clients and complete control over the design process. The business expanded even more and he now had a lot of people working for him and a lot of responsibilities. In all this chaos he somehow still found time to spend with his family and got to watch his son grow up and become a great person. He was now growing old and tired from all the long years and 12 hour work days but still had the strength to lead his business and go hiking with his son and his new fiancé.  Soon he became a grandfather and he again felt the joy of holding a newborn in his arms.  Staring into his grandson's eyes he saw all the endless potential that a single life could offer. He had great hopes and dreams for his grandson but, being a wise man, he knew better than to burden others with his expectations. He instead hoped that the child would have a remarkable life, as he did.
        One day, while he was hiking with his son and grandson he came across an amazing sight, at the top of mountain peak.  It was late in the day and the setting sun lit the sky and all the clouds in to a magnificent show of color. The beautiful play of shadow and light painted an almost surreal landscape. It was the most amazing thing he had ever seen… and he had seen and made many wonderful things.
        As he stood there alongside his son and grandson, contemplating the beauty, he finally understood what his life was all about… It was all about those wonderful moments that took his breath away.  As he made his way down the mountain path, he could not help but ask himself why there were so few of these moments in his life and why did so many years have to pass before he understood the things that he now understood. 
        He enjoyed most of his work and he got to actually make a difference in to many people's lives, over the years. That was more than most people accomplish in their lifetime.  However, things seemed to become more complicated with the passing of time and the innocence and burning passion he had in his eyes when his journey was starting, had faded. Suddenly none of his past seemed to matter and all but a few moments, like the one he just had, were vivid and fresh in his mind. It was those moments that gave him meaning but it was not enough.  He felt that there was so much more to do and to experience and each idle moment  became like a great weight bearing down on him, suffocating him and filling him with a sense of urgency. Time was now more precious than ever so he decided that, no matter how much he had left, he would spend it doing all the things he wanted to do but somehow ended up convincing himself to neglect. He did not understand anymore: Why in the world did he do that?  Why did he not do all those things? 
        Suddenly he remembered about the novel he started to write in those early years, when it seemed that nothing was impossible and settling for anything less than changing the world seemed like madness. He now wondered where and when he had lost that feeling. It was a mystery but it did not matter anymore because the feeling was now back and all was not lost. He was going to finish the novel and fulfill what was perhaps his true destiny.  His spirit was invigorated and bathed into renewed light as he rushed down the mountain path with the energy of a young man. The impossible seemed possible again.
        As he skipped from one rock to the next, fate dealt him his final hand. He tripped and hit his head on a large boulder then tumbled downhill injuring himself fatally. When he finally stopped he knew he was not to rise ever again. As his son and grandson desperately rushed towards him, his mind became haunted by flashbacks and all the major decisions he had ever made in his life were now returned to him in vivid colors. He remembered passages from his unfinished book and reviewed all the words that he had written and that no one else had ever read.  They were inspiring words of hope, courage and compassion that resonated with his whole being and even now brought tears to his eyes. They were words that embodied a young man's dream of a better world. That young man had the courage to act as his heart dictated, defying the status quo and the aged rules of society. Was he all that different back then? Could his rusty courage not have shined once more? Time, that was it…..back then he had time…
        "Why is grandpa crying?" the grandson asked.  "Grandpa is happy" his father replied, "He is going to fly with the angels, now" 
As the dying man took his last breath, he wished he could tell his son and grandson that he loved them… just one more time. It was time he did not have.

vineri, 20 ianuarie 2012


Aseara am fost si eu in Piata Universitatii.  Eram curios sa aflu care este atmosfera si doream sa citesc cateva pancarte mai interesante. Nu am sa va descriu cum este sa inhalezi gaze lacrimogene in Piata Universitatii sau sa fii imbrancit pe trotuar de un jandarm mitocan, platit din banii tai. Acestea sunt lucruiri pe care le puteti  intelege cu adevarat numai daca le simtiti pe pielea voastra si nu va doresc….. In primul rand, trebuie sa marturisesc ca am fost surprins de "diversitatea sociala" de acolo.  Am intalnit atat batrani cat si huligani, betivi, studenti sau intelectuali. Am fost surprins si de categoria de varsta dominanta. Majoritatea oamenilor prezenti la ora 22:00 erau cu varstele cuprinse intre 20 si 30 ani. Acest lucru este semnificativ. Vorbim despre studenti si tineri profesionisti, deci oameni care reprezinta viitorul acestei tari. Vorbrim despre oameni inteligenti si motivati, dezamagiti dar si curajosi, furiosi dar si plini de bun simt. Nu m-am simtit ca un extraterestru mergand printre ei si  pot sa spun ca ma identific cu furia lor si cu lupta pe care sunt hotarati sa o poarte. Pot sa spun ca avem nevoie de oameni ca ei, care au curajul si vointa necesara pentru a se ridica de pe banca sau canapea si a veni acolo sa se faca vazuti si ascultati.
            Va recomand tuturor celor care nu ati facut inca acest pas, considerand ca nu este necesar sau important sa va puneti urmatoarea intrebare: "Cine sunt eu?". Daca raspunsul la aceasta intrebare este un om cu demnitate, un roman care doreste sa poata afla pacea si fericirea in propria tara sau un profesionist care munceste de dimineata pana seara, tinand in carca acest sistem corupt si ineficient, atunci nu ar mai trebui sa stati pe ganduri.  Locul vostru este acolo, printre acei oameni care sunt in mare parte ca voi,…nu mai prosti sau mai ghinionisti. Trebuie sa fim toti dispusi, de acum inainte, sa ne facem partea, nu sa ne uitam ca simpli spectatori in timp ce altii se lupta pentru drepturile noastre.
Suntem martorii unui fenomen unic in istoria postcomunista din Romania.  Poporul  se trezeste din letargia generala iar constiinta se ridica la un alt nivel! Acest fenomen este ireversibil si marcheaza un punct important in evolutia societatii. In sfarsit, putem striga "Pana aici!" si in sfarsit avem oportunitatea sa curatam structurile statului de acesti "politicieni" compromisi moral, care ne paraziteaza de 22 de ani. Nu mai vrea nimeni sa auda aceleasi promisiuni reciclate si regurgitate de aceiasi indivizi, indiferent de partid sau functie. Marturisesc ca simt o scarba profunda fata de acest mare "club al trisorilor", in care intrarea se face be baza de dosar penal.
L-am auzit pe domnul presedinte PNL Crin Antonescu cum urla cat il tin plamanii, plin de patos si tupeu, ca daca vrem sa traim mai bine in Romania , avem nevoie unii de altii. Prin "unii de altii" se refera la ei , politicienii si noi, poporul. As vrea sa-l informez pe domnul Crin Antonescu ca se inseala. Cuvintele lui nu au nici o valoare. NU avem nevoie de Crin Antonescu in mod special si NU avem nevoie de Victor Ponta in mod special asa cum nu avem nevoie nici de Traian Basescu sau Emil Boc. Daca actuala clasa politica isi imagineaza ca nu va urma decat o simpla si obisnuita schimbare de putere, asa cum se tot intampla de doua decenii, se inseala. Domnii politicieni, indiferent de culoare si nume, vor avea de muncit, de tras cu dintii si de depus eforturi colosale daca vor dori sa castige respectul romanilor. Respectul, …..domnilor politicieni, despre el vorbim. Se pare ca respectul si responsabilitatea  sunt doua cuvinte care nu prea rezoneaza cu dumneavoastra si le aruncati precum niste batiste murdare prin toate discursurile, fara sa le intelegeti cu adevarat.  Nici macar 10% dintre dumneavoastra nu au autoritatea morala, pregatirea profesionala si performantele necesare pentru a primi responsabilitatea de a conduce aceasta tara. Daca va fi nevoie sa rasturnam inca 10 guverne ca sa pricepeti aceasta idee, asta o sa facem. Vrem lideri care cred in performanta, motivati de rezultate  si animati de virtutea morala, nu o mana de actori mitocani.
            Eu va propun tuturor sa facem o promisiune: De acum inainte, toleranta noastra fata de incompetenta si coruptia din structurile statului va fi ZERO. Trebuie sa starpim pentru totdeauna acest flagel, in acelasi fel in care administram un antibiotic: sistematic si pana la capatul tratamentului. Daca vrem sa vindecam aceasta tara de boala coruptiei, trebuie sa mergem pana la capat.  Nu exista nici o alta cale. Numai asa vom vedea rezultate si numai asa vom fi multumiti. Daca vrem sa schimbam mentalitatile, acum trebuie sa incepem. Tineti minte: Umorul si comportamentul pasnic inving frica si violenta. Sper sa intelegeti acest mesaj si sa nu va lasati descurajati de sacrificiile pe care justa conduita le implica.